Situations can and will occasionally go wrong. It could be emergencies such as illnesses, accidents or any other unexpected events. Whenever they happen, crises can leave you with little or no time to act. Being prepared for all kinds of emergencies is a critical move that any health or business professional can make. One way […]
It’s not only at home; accidents can happen anywhere, even in the workplace. This is why it’s equally important to have first aid kits at the workplace as it is for your home. Most small accidents that occur at the workplace can be dealt with if you have a ready and stocked kit in hand. […]
The decision regarding what to include in a first aid box primarily depends on outcomes of the needs evaluation exercise. As a general guide, where activities at a premise/ place of work involve low risks, a minimum list of items that should be included in a first aid kit are as follows: 1. A leaflet […]
Is an accident book a legal requirement? What is it in the first place, and what does the book contain? An accident book provides confirmation of details related to all accidents that happen on employers’ premises. The details include exact time when an accident occurred, date, what caused it, people who got injured (if any) […]
People can become ill or get injured while at work. There is no doubt about that. Therefore, it’s very important to provide them with immediate medical attention when that happens, irrespective of whether work done by the employees directly caused the misfortune or not. In serious cases, it is imperative to call an ambulance. Arrangements […]